Vidro+ is a collaborative initiative, that aims to create a commitment between the different players of the value chain of glass packaging, operating in the national market, including as well Government entities, Universities, Research Centers, Associations and NGOs, setting ambitious goals and objectives to promote the increase of glass recycling rate in Portugal.
"Make Portugal a reference country in the collection and recycling of glass packaging, as well as in the use of recycled glass in the production of new glass packaging."
"Collection of 90% of glass packaging placed on the market, for recycling, by 2030."
With the Vidro+ Platform, we want to:
The Vidro+ Platform shapes the Portuguese Action Plan, of the European initiative “Close the Glass Loop”, which brings together different European organizations of glass packaging ecosystem, aiming to collect 90% of glass packaging placed on the market, by 2030, in a proactive response to the EU’s new recycling targets.
Vidro+ Platform has the institutional support of FEVE (European Container Glass Federation), one of the driving forces behind “Close the Glass Loop“.
Prevent or reduce the impact of glass packaging and its waste on the environment.
Ensure the functioning of the internal market, with an economic and environmental balance.
Give special focus on the glass collections of the HORECA channel.
Capture the potential of Glass packaging still existing in Municipal Waste Management Systems, associated with consumers’ houses.
Bet heavily on improving our EPR system performance, with the mishmash of several specific measures, financially supported by stakeholders with responsibility in the process, as well as by the commitment of Municipal Waste Management Systems and the entire value chain.
Promote awareness-raising and education activities, both at the level of the HORECA channel and retailers, as well as consumers, to increase the recycling quality of this packaging material.
Maximize the use of recycled glass in the production of new glass packaging.
Vidro+ Platform is coordinated by the Smart Waste Portugal Association.
It is composed of effective and institutional members, representing the entire value chain, with the coordination of the Smart Waste Portugal Association, entities capable of enhancing this kind of purposes.
Advisory Board
is the body that controls the progress of the initiative.
Scientific Committee
is an advisory body that is responsible for the scientific quality of the submitted deliverables.
Advisory Board
is an advisory body made up of sector associations, which monitors the results of the Vidro+ Platform.
Critical Friend
is a Non-Governmental Organization (to be defined by the Coordinator), which aims to create the necessary impartiality to the Alliance, through a vision independent of economic interests; it’s also part of the Advisory Board.
Working Groups
are created with the goal of achieving the results of the initiative, with the scientific and practical guarantee that we will give an even more circular life to glass packaging in Portugal.
The Working Groups are coordinated by different entities proposed by the Coordinator and the Advisory Board.
Since Vidro+ is a dynamic initiative, following the evolutions and innovations of the container glass value chain, there is always the possibility, if justified, of creating new Working Groups to address other challenges and opportunities of the value chain.
– Municipalities/Municipal Waste Management Systems
– Consumer Awareness
– Innovation and Recycling Process Development
Smart Waste Portugal Association
UPTEC Asprela I
R. Alfredo Allen n.º 455 461, 4200-135 Porto
Associação Smart Waste Portugal © 2022 All rights reserved.