1ª Reunião do Advisory Board da Plataforma Vidro+

1st Advisory Board Meeting

On June 29, 2022, took place the 1st Meeting of the Advisory Board of Vidro+ Platform. This session took place via Zoom, and was attended by approximately 25 participants, serving as a starting point for the definition of future Platform Working Groups.

Possible communication and awareness strategies were also discussed, a subject transversal to all the themes that are expected to be worked on in Vidro+.


Vidro+ Platform and its connection with Close the Glass Loop

Vidro+ Platform and its connection with Close the Glass Loop

The Vidro+ Platform gives shape to the Portuguese Action Plan, of the European initiative called “Close the Glass Loop“, which…

Learn about the Manufacturing Process and Recycling of Glass Packaging

Learn about the Manufacturing Process and Recycling of Glass Packaging

Packaging glass is made from natural raw materials, such as sand, limestone and soda, as well as from packaging collected…

Vidro+ Platform in the “Sociedade Civil” Program

Vidro+ Platform in the “Sociedade Civil” Program

Regarding the International Year of Glass, celebrated in 2022, Tiago Moreira da Silva, coordinator of Vidro+ Platform and member of…

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